

In the new building with the various growth factors and aforesaid backdrop library is likely to enrich the following:


  1. General reading books
  2. Fictions and leisure reading books
  3. Language books (other than English language): Books in different languages; especially in Hindi to promote the National Language and Dogri & Kashmiri to promote and understand the culture of the state i.e. J&K.
  4. Reference books
  5. Text Book collection

Equipments & Technology: for modernising the library and it’s services the university is planning for RFID technology and NAS Serve

RFID Technology: Our library has already procured the Library software (Libsys). Further, higher level of automation can be achieved using RFID technology. This will help minimising book theft, further automate book circulation (multiple books at a time) to a user i.e. can be issued or checked-in in a single moment. It will also help in shelf or stack rectification & help minimising (un)intentional misplacement of books on the shelves by users.

CCTV: CCTV for better surveillance of the Library to detect and minimise any unwanted activities inside against the library is under process.

CD-Mirror SERVER/NAS Server : for easy and reliable access with proper content is required. CD-ROM data can be mirrored (copied i.e. burned onto the server) to provide campus wide 24X7 access to students as well as faculty members. CD-Mirror Server is under plan.

With the growth of library services and increasing volume of data storage, Library server is required. The Library server is under process for procurement. With the help of server all relevant Library information will be made available to the users through INTRANET.